Now that the wedding chaos has subsided, you are faced with the reality of the military life. This may be your first time away from home, or maybe you’ve been on your own for a bit. Either way, adapting to this new way of life will be new to you. …

Now that the wedding chaos has subsided, you are faced with the reality of the military life. This may be your first time away from home, or maybe you’ve been on your own for a bit. Either way, adapting to this new way of life will be new to you. …
It’s us spouses right? The most important and toughest job in the military! All jokes aside, within the military community there seems to be a natural sense of competition. Between spouses, branches, and even within companies. Military Police hear about how they are super uptight and have a useless job. …
Sadly we can’t just get away with knowing last names and shake hands like the soldiers do. Totally kidding, but I have found it to be quite the challenge to find friends in this military community! It doesn’t help that I am extremely introverted and have had the same friends …
This is a guest post by a fellow military spouse. When I found out I was pregnant last year, I fully intended to take my allotted maternity leave and return to my career as normal. Roughly halfway through my pregnancy I was very sick and work was causing more stress …
We do it not because we chose this life, but because we chose them. This isn’t a thank us for our service day, but a day to honor all of the military spouses that often go unnoticed. Appreciate the spouses who left their life to move to a new state, …