Showing 6 Result(s)

The Homesick Military Spouse

Homesickness is a real and raw feeling, and an especially hard for those brand new to military life. I never imagined leaving my hometown, but when I met my now husband I knew I needed to be with him. When I left home for the first time, the homesick feeling …


When They Aren’t Home for the Holidays

Birthdays. Anniversaries. Independence Day. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Even if some of these holidays aren’t that important to you, they still feel lonely when your spouse isn’t there. Some years you get lucky, and others the military has other plans and needs to borrow your spouse. Being faced with your service member …


Military Spouse Appreciation Day

We do it not because we chose this life, but because we chose them. This isn’t a thank us for our service day, but a day to honor all of the military spouses that often go unnoticed. Appreciate the spouses who left their life to move to a new state, …


What You Need to Do During Deployments

While your significant other is gearing up in preparation for the deployment, tracking down a list of 50+ military gear that will soon cover your floor, and enjoying their last taste of comfy beds and home cooked meals… How are you preparing for the deployment?