
Baby Products You Might Have Missed on Your List

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Is your baby registry a mile long?

Why are these strollers so expensive, will my baby even wear a newborn size, and how on earth do you know what you actually need?!

When I first became pregnant, I can’t tell you how much time I spent looking at products and adding things to my cart!

Motherhood can be so overwhelming with what you need for your baby, what brand, what is trending, and the list goes on and on. So okay, let’s take a step back and let me give you a good place to start. Here is a list of baby products you might have missed.

Here is what you actually need.

  • Diapers
  • Boppy/Lounger
  • Swaddles
  • Safety/First Aid
  • Bath Time

Stock up on diapers

I shared in a previous blog post about diapers and gave estimates for how much to buy and stock up on. Yes, I know you know you need diapers, but some parents don’t think to stock up on all sizes ahead of time. We did this both times and I am beyond thankful we did! We started setting aside money and buying a box or two every month from the time I found out I was pregnant. It took less stress off of us- and saved us when we ran out of a diaper box late at night. It can be hard to know how many diapers you need, so this chart is very helpful to estimate!

how many diapers you need in every size

Baby Safe Loungers

Something I didn’t think of until I was holding my newborn is – where on earth do I set her down?! The couch definitely is not a safe option, and the direct floor can be too hard of a surface. Invest in a dock a tot, bassinet, or swing that you can place your baby in. I personally loved having this bassinet, because while my youngest was on oxygen at home, I was able to wheel this room to room and have a safe place for her to be. The boppy is also a great baby product option that I used when setting her down near me (and great as a nursing pillow too).


Next up, swaddles. You’ll quickly discover infants have a startle reflex and swaddles are the best way to mimic the womb. I am a fan of both hands-down and hands-up swaddles, so here are two I recommend from the rooftops for your babies! During the first few months, these were my lifesavers to get those few-hour stretches of sleep (yes, you heard me right. Welcome to the team no sleep). Something I also wanted to note, is halo makes fleece versions, which gave me more comfort during the winter months when my baby was warm! You can put your baby in a onesie, add pants if you’d like, and put them in the swaddle.

First Aid Essentials

I don’t know if it was just us as a parent, but we didn’t prepare super well for the “unexpected”. We thought diapers, clothes, and bottles, should be good. But what I wish we knew sooner, was to have everything you might need on hand so you aren’t having to stress over running out to the store. A prime example is a nose frida. You don’t think about your baby getting congested until it’s happening. Have a nose Frida, thermometer, gas relief, and nail clippers on hand.

Baby bath time

In the hospital, you learn how to bathe your baby quickly in the sink. When we got home, we quickly realized that is a little harder to do! We stuffed so many towels in our sink, and we were terrified to try the big bath. Buy a baby bath or flower to keep your baby relaxed and give you a piece of mind too. While you are at it, save yourself from concern and get a baby bath thermometer to ensure you get the right temperature!

These are just the key baby products that I had on my list that I would suggest to any mom! I feel the rest comes with time, and I especially want to stress you don’t need to spend a lot of money! Babies can be easy, so don’t get caught up in having “the next” baby items. You will find with time what is actually needed and save yourself from the rest.

Extra Baby Item I Highly Recommend

As above I had mentioned my baby came home on oxygen, and when we were leaving the hospital we immediately ordered an Owlet sock. I really didn’t think it would be essential until it was something we absolutely needed as Sunny’s oxygen could occasionally dip low. We had a circumstance that made it a must, but I feel all parents should have this for their newborns. I absolutely wish I had this with my first too, especially with your little one sleeping in their own bed, or even their own room, having an extra aid is always worth it. The owlet sock is not something to depend on but is something to help monitor and I would buy it all over again.

Need more baby tips? Read my blog posts on navigating the early years!