
Family Shopping Haul at Target

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I blacked out. Okay, maybe not really, but after seeing that total and hauling these bags back to the car, I realized Target did. its. thing! 👏🏻 You don’t go to Target knowing what you need. You let Target tell you what you need, ok? Our girls have grown out of their shoes from last fall and were stuck with only sandals. With the cold weather hitting here in Utah, we knew they needed new shoes asap!

We may have of course left Target with a few other things, but I’m okay with that. What’s crazy is we just celebrated Summer’s second birthday and you know what her favorite toy has been? This $3 popper toy we got from Bullseye’s Playground! Kids…

I am continuously impressed with Target, which I didn’t know was possible to do over and over again! We have family photos coming up next weekend, so James and I were also able to get a few things for our outfits. He bought his first-ever denim jacket, which I’ve been telling him he’d love for years, and he hasn’t taken it off since.

Funny story, we originally planned to just grab breakfast and head back home when we decided it would be good to get the shoes. So guess who decided to wear PAJAMAS since she thought they were just staying in the car? Yeah… So after our Target shopping extravaganza, I hurriedly changed into my new outfit so I at least wouldn’t be embarrassed when we took our girls to their haircuts. Goodness gracious you guys, I swear I can’t make these things up.

I can’t be mad though because I picked up a new pair of Levi jeans! My other jeans don’t fit me, so this was another much-needed purchase. I bought the high-rise skinny, and I love how they sit above my mom tummy! This style looks much more flattering and I have been loving styling them the past few days.

Did you know I have these all linked on Like to Know It? This is an app, where you can follow me and get all the links to my faves! 🤍