
How to Stay Healthy This Summer

This post is sponsored by 1st Phorm. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Staying healthy during the summer months can be challenging, but it is important to prioritize your health and wellness. I feel we are so active during the summer with kids’ activities and trips, and it can be hard to imagine fitting in anything else! I started my health and wellness journey around December of last year, but it is never too late or early to take steps to live a healthier lifestyle.

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy this summer.

Stay Hydrated

With the hot weather, it is important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day and avoid sugary drinks. I am a Stanley Tumbler girl through and through, it’s honestly so nice to have a 44 oz cup that I can carry around wherever we are going next! (And it fits in the cup holder!) Whatever cup you use, I recommend having it by your side at all times as a constant reminder to keep drinking. Another tip I found helpful is to drink my water first and then “reward” myself with my soda. This helps me make sure I am not finding myself towards the end of the day with no water in my system!

Be Active This Summer

Take advantage of the warm weather and get outside for some exercise. Go for a walk, swim, or bike ride to stay active! If you prefer to stay indoors, there are many ways to still stay active.

I love using my 1st Phorm app and following their 8-week workout plans. It maps out what workout I can do daily, including rest days, and helps me stay on track. I love how flexible it can be, and there are different plans depending on the equipment available.

Eat a Balanced Diet

If you remember my last blog post, diet is everything when it comes to being healthy. Focus on eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks, as tempting as it is. I have found really great alternates that fill my cravings, and have become a craving on their own!

I feel so much better after having healthier foods and it’s truly made a difference in my energy and wellness. The 1st Phorm App also has nutrition tracking, where you can see your daily goals for calories, protein, carbs, and other nutrients. It has seriously been my right-hand man as I have embarked on this fitness journey.

Get Enough Sleep

In the summertime, this could be the hardest goal to stick with. There are so many fun activities going on, but your rest is so important! Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep a night to maintain good health. Stick to a regular sleep schedule and avoid using electronics before bed. I have found putting my phone away at bedtime can really help the “unwinding” time and my brain feels less cluttered.

Mental Health

Mental Health is just as important as your physical health. Take care of yourself in all ways! Summer can be a busy and stressful time, so it’s important to take care of your mental health. Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Make sure you give yourself breaks, it’s ok to slow down and give yourself grace. Being healthy is not just being in physical shape, it means SO much more. Having a healthy mind and body is key.

By following these tips, you can stay healthy and enjoy all that summer has to offer. Remember to prioritize your health and wellness all year round.