
High Protein Snacks to Hit Your Daily Protein

This post is sponsored by 1st Phorm. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

I have been on a health journey for the past several months. I really needed guidance in all areas of the health and wellness category, I had no clue what I was doing! 1st Phorm truly changed my life and educated me on life changes I can make to improve my health and fitness. A huge area I was missing was protein intake. I have learned a lot about which high-protein snacks will hit my daily protein goals, and I wanted to share my top favorites with you.

How much protein do you need?

An easy way to know how much protein you need is by calculating 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of weight. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need to intake 150 grams of protein. The purpose of hitting that protein goal is to boost your metabolism and burn calories. If you feel your protein goal is out of reach, this is the post for you!

Protein snacks are a great way to keep your energy levels up and stay full throughout the day. If you’re looking for easy and healthy options that you can have on hand at home, I’ve got you covered!

Protein snacks can come in many forms, including bars, shakes, jerky, nuts, and seeds. These snacks are not only convenient and easy to grab on the go, but they can also help keep you feeling full and satisfied between meals.

When it comes to protein, you want to have this as the largest part of your meals. I would often load up on carb-loaded sides and snacks thinking it would keep me full longer. But it was having a negative effect and instead of losing weight, I was gaining.

Since working out, I have realized your diet plays a major role in seeing results. I use the 1st Phorm app as my lifeline to track my daily meals and stay on track with my workout plan.

Protein Cake Cups

Most mornings I eat a protein (sausage or bacon) and scrambled eggs. It’s been a huge shift for me to start off my day and already has 1/3 of my protein intake knocked out! On super busy mornings, 1st Phorm cake cups have been so helpful.

They take only a minute to make and it’s loaded with protein (18g to be exact!). I consider their cake cups a breakfast item, but they would be a wonderful snack mid-day if you tend to have more of a sweet tooth. Their blueberry flavor is my favorite, but all of them taste amazing!

When choosing a protein snack, it’s important to look for options that are low in added sugars and saturated fats. Try to aim for snacks that have at least 10 grams of protein per serving. I am a huge snacker, so finding snacks that were actually beneficial was important to me.

Protein Bars

Protein Bars are wonderful to have on the go. I work from home and will have this in between meetings, on the way to taking my daughter to dance, or if we take a road trip. There are a lot of flavors to choose from, and with a high protein of 20 grams, you can’t go wrong. These can act as a meal replacement or help if you are under on your protein goal for the day.

1st phorm protein bars level 1 pumpkin spice

Protein Meat Sticks

My next favorite might be my favorite out of all options: protein meat sticks. The FLAVOR is the best I’ve ever had. I sometimes eat a protein stick with a cheese stick as lunch and it’s so filling. They come in a few flavors (I get the original smokehouse!) and even have a breakfast sausage flavor too.

I’m a busy mom, so the easier the snack the better. I have been able to hit my protein intake consistently since being more mindful of my intake goals, and having snacks like these that help hit them as well.

Incorporating protein snacks into your diet can help you meet your daily protein needs. Plus, it will keep you fueled throughout the day. So next time you’re reaching for a snack, consider grabbing a protein-packed option instead. It’s made such a difference in my life. I’m finally losing this extra baby weight now that I’m on a good track.

Are you feeling like you need more help with protein, understanding what nutrient goals to have, and even looking for a daily workout plan?

Download the 1st Phorm App! You get all of the above AND a personal trainer to help you with your goals. I have never been so motivated and clear on how to reach my goals until now.