
How to Create a Successful Work-from-Home Schedule

In the past few years, work-from-home careers have skyrocketed. This means more and more parents are balancing remote work through parenthood. Whether you have older kids or younger ones, this blog post will be helpful to put your best foot forward as a work-from-home mom with a schedule.

I have been a work-from-home mom my entire time through motherhood. Through a lot of trial and error, I have found my limits and what really works for our family. That is most important. Please don’t feel the pressure to execute this perfectly in your first week (or the first few months even!). What works for you and your family is the most important part.

Looking to work from home? Check out this blog post about work at home careers!

Without a set schedule, it can be challenging to stay productive and avoid distractions. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create a successful work-from-home schedule.

  1. Set specific work hours

One of the most crucial aspects of creating a successful work-from-home schedule is setting specific work hours. Some companies will have this for you, while others may have more flexibility as long as your responsibilities are being met.

While my job has meetings I need to attend, it is up to me how I get my work done. Think about how your obligated work hours will impact your entire day. I highly recommend staying organized with a planner or calendar to ensure both work and personal events are not forgotten. It also helps you balance your work and personal life, as you can still have time for other activities outside of work.

2. Create a designated workspace

Another essential aspect of working from home is to create a designated workspace. I would not recommend choosing your bed or couch haha. This could be a separate room or a specific area in your home, but it should be a place where you can focus on work without distractions. Make sure you have a comfortable chair, a desk, and all the necessary equipment you need to work efficiently.

3. Take breaks

It is essential to take regular breaks during the workday to avoid burnout and increase productivity. However, these breaks might look a little different as a parent. My breaks consist of making snacks or meals, taking my daughter outside to play, playing a quick game, and spending some time on homeschooling.

Breaks might also not be as planned if you have younger ones with varying needs. Working is very important to me, but breaks and time with my little ones are just as important. I hate the term “balance” because I don’t know if that exists, but I do recommend trying your best to know what is a priority.

5. Avoid distractions

Distractions are one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to working from home. It’s essential to identify potential distractions and find ways to avoid them. For example, if you have an important meeting, consider hiring a babysitter or having family come to help.

Setting up a play area for them in your eye-view is also essential. Keeping your kids in a space that is safe but also entertaining will be key to preventing you from feeling distracted.

Another tip with distractions is maximizing your lunch break. I would highly recommend making easy lunches for you, and the kids, to keep your lunch break as productive as possible. When my daughters were smaller babies, we would quickly eat lunch and then spend the remainder of the time with play and anything else I needed to give my full attention. We would end it by getting them down for a nap and I knew I’d get a few wonderful hours distraction-free.

6. Take care of yourself

Finally, it’s essential to take care of yourself when working from home. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself helps you stay focused and motivated and ensures that you are in the right mindset to be productive during the workday.

In conclusion, creating a successful work-from-home schedule requires discipline, organization, and self-care. By setting specific work hours, creating a designated workspace, prioritizing your tasks, avoiding distractions, and taking care of yourself, you can stay productive and achieve your goals while working from home.