This post is sponsored by 1st Phorm. All opinions are my own.
If you’re day consists of chasing kids, cleaning the house, making meals, and maybe even adding work on top of it, you may be wondering… How do I find time to workout?!
This was me. I have such a crammed schedule that the thought of adding a gym session seemed impossible. This is when I decided to take matters into my own hands and create my own workout routine that I can do anywhere, anytime. I knew it was time to find a way to live a happy, healthy lifestyle for myself.
I was determined to do something, and have an efficient workout routine (equipment-free!) that works. Even better, it can be done from anywhere, so there is no excuse for me to not get it done!
In the last few months, I began working with 1st Phorm where there is such an abundance of resources. They even have an app and personal trainers that want to see you succeed. Me, I have incorporated their products into my life and I’m so excited to share more about them below and how they literally changed my life.

Finding the motivation to workout from home.
This can be the biggest roadblock keeping you from getting a workout in. Motivation. Here are a few tips to overcome this:
- Write down your schedule and a time in your day you plan to work out
- Invest in a smartwatch that tracks your progress! Instant motivation.
- Set small goals you want to accomplish
- Have an accountability partner (spouse, friend, parent, or even your little ones!)
- Buy a cute workout set (I know I’m not the only one who does this!)

Finding the time to workout.
This was my biggest hurdle! I am a work-from-home mom and feel like I’m going 24/7, how could I possibly fit in a workout? I decided to really look at my day and found I can squeeze in a 20-minute workout during nap time, after dinner playtime, or in the morning after my morning work calls. And if I can’t do 20 minutes, I’ll do a 10, 15, or even 7-minute workout.
I try not to pay too much attention to getting the certain time hit, but working out as much as I can in the time I do have.
I am not too hard on myself about when I get it done, just that I get it done. I have even found that I can work out during my favorite show, while my kids are in the bath, or even after bedtime.

Where do I even start with working out?
If you are a beginner, or just need a solid routine, let’s get into it! I do a lot of core strength (hello, mom here!) so that is what I will be focusing on here. I know others love going on walks which is a great option as well.
First, I prep my day with ensuring I have enough protein. Start of day when I’m making breakfast, I’ll usually have my protein shake. This is telling myself, okay you are committing to working out today now! I’ve even mixed my protein in my coffee!
Speaking of drinks, I also premake a post workout before I begin to to have it ready to go. I really like 1st Phorm’s post-workout Ignition. The taste is actually pretty good and I mix it with their protein powder (fruit punch is amazing!) a little bit after I work out. It replenishes my energy so I don’t feel that exhaustion crash after my workout.
Now that my energy and motivation are there, I begin my workout. These can all be done, you can choose a few to do reps with and alternate, or work your way through several.
- Curtsy Lunge
- Walk down to a plank
- Squats
- Superman
- Plank
- Bicycle Crunches
- Russian twists
- Slow Mountain Climber
- Heel touches
- Lean back hold
- Leg raises
- Lunges
To cool down, I will do some stretches and let my heart rate calm down a bit. I will say I’ve noticed a huge difference from just jumping into a workout vs setting up my day to ensure I have enough protein and the proper recovery to keep my energy stable. I hope this serves as motivation to all the fellow busy moms out there! It is hard to get started, but once you get going and feel the shift in your energy, it’s hard to stop!